Highlights - 2012 - Students' Perspectives: Project SMART on youtube
A Rise and Fall That's Out of this World!: NBC News
Summer Search, Summer Experiential Learning Opportunities for Low-Income students.
Harlem Children Society, NY and Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece join Project SMART
In the summer of 2009, Project SMART included the most diverse group of students in its then 19 year history. In collaboration with the Harlem Children Society (HCS – ) and the Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece ( ), it gave an entirely new dimension to Project SMART. The program offered a unique experience for aspiring young scientists (high school students) from inner-city high schools around New York, those from one of the distinguished schools in Greece, and from the rural backgrounds in New England (possibly a few students from Native American populations as well) to live together, and learn and do science at the University of New Hampshire (UNH).